About Friedemann Karig
Friedemann Karig has written for media outlets such as Süddeutsche Zeitung, Die Zeit, Spiegel Online and Deutschlandfunk. His non-fiction book “Wie wir lieben” [“How We Love”] was published in 2017. He followed this up with his debut novel “Jungle” in 2019. With Samira El Ouassil, he co-wrote the book “Erzählende Affen. Mythen, Lügen, Utopien – wie Geschichten unser Leben bestimmen” [“Story-telling Monkeys: Myths, Lies, Utopias – How Stories Shape Our Lives”], which was published in 2021. His novel “Die Lügnerin” [“The Liar”] was released in September 2023. In March 2024 appeared his political Essay “Was ihr wollt. Wie Protest wirklich wirkt”. He and El Ouassil co-host the weekly discussion podcast “Piratensender Powerplay”.