About Guy Helminger
Guy Helminger was born in 1963 in Esch-sur-Alzette. He has won numerous awards for his writing, including the 3sat Prize at the Festival of German-Language Literature in Klagenfurt, the Dresden Poetry Prize and the Gustav Regle Prize. His most recent publications include “Die Tagebücher der Tannen. Gedichte” (2018), “Die Lehmbauten des Lichts. Aufzeichnungen und Fotos aus dem Jemen” (2019) and the novel “Lärm” (2021). Since 2015 he has been a member of the jury for the City of Cologne’s Heinrich Böll Prize. Guy Helminger is a presenter for numerous literary events in Cologne and Luxembourg. Since 2006, he and his colleague Navid Kermani have been hosting the “Literary Salon International” at the Stadtgarten in Cologne.