About Jörg Bernardy
Jörg Bernardy, born in 1982, is a freelance author who lives in Hamburg. He studied philosophy and literature studies in Cologne, Paris and Düsseldorf prior to obtaining his doctorate in philosophy at the University of Hildesheim. He has also worked as a research associate at the Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design. He is working for the LUCHS-Jury (Die Zeit/ Radio Bremen) and writes for the newspaper Die Zeit. Following the publication of his illustrated non-fiction book “Philosophical Mental Leaps” in 2017, his new books among others are entitled “Ich glaube, es hackt! Leben in Zeiten von Tabubrüchen“ [“You can’t be serious - To be alive in times of taboo breaking”],“Ohne euch wär’s echt scheiße - Von Freundschaften, Netzwerken und politischen Bewegungen“ [“It would be really shit without you - Of friendships, networks and political movements”] and “Der kleine Alltagsstoiker - 10 Gelassenheitsregeln fürs Lebensglück“ [“The little everyday stoic - 10 rules for more serenity and happiness”]