Marie-Christine Knop
Marie-Christine Knop was born in Nuremberg in 1986 and works as a cultural manager and… This text was shortened for this overview. Follow the more-link to read the full text.
Suza Kolb
Von Kindesbeinen an hat Suza Kolb Geschichten verfasst, die von frechen, wilden Helden… This text was shortened for this overview. Follow the more-link to read the full text.
Katja Kolm
Katja Kolm, born in 1974, was already singing in operas and musicals as a young girl. At… This text was shortened for this overview. Follow the more-link to read the full text.
Steffen Kopetzky
Born in 1971, Steffen Kopetzky has written novels, short stories and audio and theatrical… This text was shortened for this overview. Follow the more-link to read the full text.
Julia Koschitz
In process... This text was shortened for this overview. Follow the more-link to read the full text.
Daniel Kothenschulte
Born in 1967, Daniel Kothenschulte is a film critic for the newspaper Frankfurter… This text was shortened for this overview. Follow the more-link to read the full text.
Christian Kracht
Christian Kracht, born in 1966 in Switzerland, is a contemporary German-language author.… This text was shortened for this overview. Follow the more-link to read the full text.
Christoph Kramer
Born in 1991 in Solingen, Christoph Kramer is a soccer player, television pundit,… This text was shortened for this overview. Follow the more-link to read the full text.
Ute Krause
Born in 1960, Ute Krause studied visual communication at the Berlin School of Art as well… This text was shortened for this overview. Follow the more-link to read the full text.
Henning Krautmacher
Nach Abitur und Berufsausbildung arbeitete Henning Krautmacher als Journalist und… This text was shortened for this overview. Follow the more-link to read the full text.
Jan-Gregor Kremp
Jan-Gregor Kremp completed his acting studies at the University of Music and Dramatic… This text was shortened for this overview. Follow the more-link to read the full text.
Maren Kroymann
Maren Kroymann’s first feminist stage show “Auf du und du mit dem Stöckelschuh” (1982) brough… This text was shortened for this overview. Follow the more-link to read the full text.
Fee Krämer
Fee Krämer, geboren 1984 in Heidelberg, hat sich dem Kinderbuch aus vielen verschiedenen … This text was shortened for this overview. Follow the more-link to read the full text.
Joachim Król
Joachim Król, born 1959 in Herne, studied acting at the Otto Falckenberg School of the … This text was shortened for this overview. Follow the more-link to read the full text.
Karen Krüger
Karen Krüger, born in 1975, grew up in Waldshut-Tiengen in Baden and in Istanbul. She … This text was shortened for this overview. Follow the more-link to read the full text.