About Raoul Schrott
Born in 1964, Raoul Schrott has received multiple accolades, such as the Peter Huchel Prize and the Joseph Breitbach Prize. His works include “Homers Heimat” [“Homer’s Homeland”] (2008) and his rendering of the “Iliad” (2008), “Gehirn und Gedicht” [“Brain and Poetry”] (2011, with brain researcher Arthur Jacobs), the short story “Das schweigende Kind” (2012). In 2014, he published a translation of Hesiod’s “Theogony”, followed in 2015 by the poetry collection “Die Kunst an nichts zu glauben” and then “Erste Erde: Epos” in 2016 and the essay collection “Politics and Ideas” in 2018. He released the novel “A History of the Wind – Or the tale of the German bombardier who sailed around the world for the first, second and third time” in 2019 and “Inventory of Summer: On Absent Things” in 2023. In 2023, he held the Ernst Jandl Lectureship at the University of Vienna.