eat.READ.sleep. Podcast session with Daniel Kaiser and Katharina Mahrenholz
It all started in June 2020, with bestselling author Dörte Hansen as guest and a decent portion of potato salad à la Hemingway, just like the author received in Paris as payment for his first short story. More than 125 episodes of the NDR-Kultur book podcast eat.READ.sleep have now been recorded, inspiring the creation of over 140 book clubs across Germany. Every two weeks, eat.READ.sleep supplies us with book recommendations and reading tips and guides us through the literature landscape without ruling out any genre. At lit.COLOGNE, hosts Daniel Kaiser and Katharina Mahrenholz welcome the audience to a live taping of the successful podcast. They will praise their favorite books, evaluate new publications, and maybe even excoriate or argue about bestsellers. This entertaining book podcast would not be complete without a literary appetizer, spontaneous interaction with the audience, or the book quiz.
Daniel Kaiser
Daniel Kaiser has a soft spot for hefty, action-packed tomes. He… This text was shortened for this overview. Follow the more-link to read the full text.
Katharina Mahrenholtz
Katharina Mahrenholtz loves books set in England and France, is not… This text was shortened for this overview. Follow the more-link to read the full text.
Event data
27. March 2025
20:00 -
Pre Pre sale price (fees excluded) 24 € | 20 € erm.
Eve Evening fund price 30 € | 26 € erm.
Volksbühne am Rudolfplatz
Aachener Straße 5
Köln-InnenstadtPlease follow the checkroom instructions.
Bitte Garderobenhinweise beachten.
- Available Wheelchair friendly + toilets
- Available Assistance dogs welcome