Flight novella – Thomas Strässle and Elke Heidenreich on the power of love against the dominant system
Two students, she from East Germany and he from Switzerland, meet at the “House of the Red Army” in Erfurt in 1965. Both are very young – she’s 21, he’s 23. They fall in love and want to spend their lives together, but the Iron Curtain keeps them apart. It’s out of the question for him to join her in East Germany, so they try desperately to find a way for her to come to the West. When they are forced to accept that it’s not legally possible, they decide to cheat the system. East Germany does everything it can to prevent people from leaving the country, so they try to do it while entering. Everything has been prepared in minute detail but, at the crucial moment, nothing goes to plan.
Thomas Strässle presents Flight Novella with Elke Heidenreich, who finds it to be “an almost unbelievably good story with all literary devices ... So amazing that, as a reader, all you can say is, ‘That’s exactly what makes a good book’”. Musical accompaniment: Marc-Aurel Floros
Thomas Strässle
Thomas Strässle was born in Baden, Switzerland, in 1972. He studied … This text was shortened for this overview. Follow the more-link to read the full text.
Elke Heidenreich
Elke Heidenreich is a writer and a literary critic for television,… This text was shortened for this overview. Follow the more-link to read the full text.
Marc-Aurel Floros
In process... This text was shortened for this overview. Follow the more-link to read the full text.

Event data
29. March 2025
17:00 -
Pre Pre sale price (fees excluded) 24 € | 20 € erm.
Eve Evening fund price 30 € | 26 € erm.
Volksbühne am Rudolfplatz
Aachener Straße 5
Köln-InnenstadtPlease follow the checkroom instructions.
Bitte Garderobenhinweise beachten.
- Available Wheelchair friendly + toilets
- Available Assistance dogs welcome