“In a time before writing, our starry sky was a movie theater of the night”. Raoul Schrott on the starry sky of humanity
with Raoul Schrott
Multiple award-winning author and poet Raoul Schrott, whose works include “Erste Erde: Epos” [“The First Earth: An Epic Tale”] and “Inventur des Sommers” [“Inventory of Summer”], has taken on a unique and colossal book project. For many years he has been researching the cultural history of stargazing around the world. He looks back at early civilizations and their lively interpretations of the sky and stars. His impressive work, An Atlas of the Stars, reveals completely new perspectives on humanity and all its long history. It brings together 17 night skies from all continents, from the ancient Egyptians to the Australian Aborigines, from China, India and Tahiti, from the Inuit and the Tuareg. For the Mayans, our Ursa Major was a divine parrot; for the Incas it was a one-legged storm god, for the Inuit a moose, for the Arabs a funeral bier. Raoul Schrott’s Atlas weaves numerous astronomical sagas to create a unique epic of human history.
Raoul Schrott
Born in 1964, Raoul Schrott has received multiple accolades, such as… This text was shortened for this overview. Follow the more-link to read the full text.

Atlas der Sternenhimmel und Schöpfungsmythen der Menschheit
Raoul Schrott
Carl Hanser