Maror – Israel’s history as an epic crime novel. With Lavie Tidhar and Sylvester Groth
“An epic work, thrilling but never moralizing. Lavie Tidhar is Israel’s answer to Don Winslow and James Ellroy”. Der Spiegel is not the only one to talk in grand terms about Lavie Tidhar’s thriller Maror. The book has recently been compared to the works of Balzac and Dickens – and rightly so. Tidhar tells the story of his homeland, Israel, framed as a dark crime epic. The narrative covers nearly four decades. It focuses on two corrupt police offers plus a whole lot of violence and unscrupulousness. Tidhar paints a kaleidoscopic panorama of political scandals, crimes and murder, at state level and in the private sphere. He has created an epic work of morals and realpolitik, a kind of Israeli chronique scandaleuse and a grim, dark-humored justification of the country’s right to exist. German text: Sylvester Groth; Host: Shelly Kupferberg
Lavie Tidhar
Born in Israel in 1976, Lavie Tidhar is both a superstar and an… This text was shortened for this overview. Follow the more-link to read the full text.
Shelly Kupferberg
Journalist and moderator Shelly Kupferberg was born in Tel-Aviv in… This text was shortened for this overview. Follow the more-link to read the full text.
Sylvester Groth
Sylvester Groth became famous in the German Democratic Republic in… This text was shortened for this overview. Follow the more-link to read the full text.

Lavie Tidhar
Herausgegeben von Thomas Wörtche
Übersetzt von Conny Lösch