Russian specialties – Dmitrij Kapitelman writes about homeland, war and a sense of family
A family from Kyiv sells Russian specialties in Leipzig: vodka, dumplings, SIM cards, nautical shirts – and a vague feeling of Eastern European solidarity. The latter, though, is no longer available following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The mother is on Putin’s side. And her son is in despair. It’s not a good idea to drive back to Ukraine in the middle of the war. But what else can he do when there’s no other way to rescue his mother from fascism and the crazy lies of Russian television?
“Kapitelman is a brilliant storyteller: funny, self-deprecating and clear-sighted”, says Der Spiegel about the author and journalist from Kyiv. At the age of eight, Dmitrij Kapitelman and his family came to Germany as “quota refugees”. Russische Spezialitäten [“Russian Specialties”] is his latest novel – tragic, tender and funny all at the same time. Host: Lara Sielmann
Lara Sielmann
In process... This text was shortened for this overview. Follow the more-link to read the full text.
Dmitrij Kapitelman
Dmitrij Kapitelman was born in Kiev in 1986. At the age of eight, he… This text was shortened for this overview. Follow the more-link to read the full text.