Someone else can do that! Sara Weber on how AI helps us all work more effectively
Imagine it’s time for work and nobody goes. Because the job is now being done by artificial intelligence. In Someone Else Can Do That, author Sara Weber (“The World Is Ending, And I’m Still Supposed to Work?”) traces the influence of AI on our world of work. It’s been clear for a long time that we are facing a significant and certainly worrying change – but one that’s come at the right time. As an expert on fair and future-proof worlds of work, Sara Weber is certain that AI means more than just risks. But we must learn from past mistakes and set the right political course now. Because in the end, AI is a tool. If we use it for positive change, we can create the working world of our dreams – and work better than ever before. “A book that makes you look forward to the technological future!” (Der Standard). Host: Christian Schiffer
Sara Weber
Sara Weber, born in 1987, is a German-American living in Munich. She… This text was shortened for this overview. Follow the more-link to read the full text.
Christian Schiffer
Born in 1979, Christian Schiffer studied politics and joined the pop… This text was shortened for this overview. Follow the more-link to read the full text.

Das kann doch jemand anderes machen! Wie KI uns alle sinnvoller arbeiten lässt
Sara Weber
Kiepenheuer & Witsch