“The sun is always shining. I can’t do anything about the clouds”. What Hubertus Meyer-Bernhardt’s grandmother taught him about life
A life in the fast lane, rebellious, unorthodox, full of joie de vivre and unbelievably strong and brave. That’s how Hubertus Meyer-Burckhardt – TV producer, bestselling author and host of the “NDR Talk Show” – remembers his beloved grandmother, who influenced him like no other. How did she handle a world that collapsed twice right in front of her? What advice did she pass on to her grandson? And wouldn’t it be wonderful if we had more people of her caliber around today? People with an unbridled love of life: witty, contrary and full of character. In his new book, Die Sonne scheint immer. Für die Wolken kann ich nichts [“The Sun is Always Shining. I Can’t Do Anything About the Clouds”], Hubertus Meyer-Burckhardt shares autobiographical anecdotes about a woman ahead of her time. A tender declaration of love and a search for the forces that drive him in his own life.
Hubertus Meyer-Burckhardt
Hubertus Meyer-Burckhardt, born in 1956, is a television producer,… This text was shortened for this overview. Follow the more-link to read the full text.

"Die Sonne scheint immer. Für die Wolken kann ich nichts." Was meine Großmutter mir über das Leben erzählte
Hubertus Meyer-Burckhardt
Event data
25. March 2025
17:30 -
Pre Pre sale price (fees excluded) 18-28 € | 14-24 € erm.
Eve Evening fund price 24-35 € | 20-31 € erm.
Flora Köln
Am Botanischen Garten 1a
Köln-RiehlPlease follow the checkroom instructions.
Bitte Garderobenhinweise beachten.
- Available Speech-to-text interpreting
- Available Induction loop
- Available Wheelchair friendly + toilets
- Available Assistance dogs welcome